Emergency Information

Orthodontic emergencies are usually rare, but occasionally the appliances become damaged and cause discomfort. Orthodontic emergencies usually consist of loose, broken, or bent appliances. Certain instances will require an office appointment, while other things are not as critical and can occasionally be handled at home. The important thing to remember about emergencies is that if you are ever in pain or discomfort, or have a question, please call the office to discuss your problem. In the interim, the following are some helpful hints to remedy some of the problems you may encounter until you can be seen in our office.

If a wire of any part of the appliance is irritating your mouth, cover it with orthodontic wax. Occasionally, poking wires can be pushed towards the teeth with a pencil eraser by a family member to stop the irritation.

A loose band or bracket can generally be left in place until seen in our office. Notify the office of any orthodontic problem so we can adjust your appointment to accommodate a repair. Failure to notify our office regarding a loose or broken appliance may make it necessary to reschedule a repair appointment.

A bent headgear or removable appliance (retainer, etc.) that is not fitting well is not to be worn until it can be properly adjusted in our office. Notify the office to schedule an adjustment appointment.

Everyone wants their orthodontic experience to be comfortable and efficient. When questions or problems arise, whether “emergency”-related or not, please feel free to call our office to discuss matters.

Download & print our Emergency Brochure to learn how to handle orthodontic emergencies. 

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