NAM (Naseoalveolar Moulding) is a technique in which the alveolus (gum ridges) and/or nose are moulded with an appliance similar to an orthodontic retainer.


This is done by the Cleft Lip & Palate Team prior to surgery in order to make surgery simpler. The baby wears the appliance 24 hours a day for a period of weeks or months. It does not interfere with feeding or breathing for the baby.

How Does the NAM Work?
At your child’s first visit to The Cleft Lip & Palate Team, a mould will be taken of your infant’s mouth. A custom-made plastic plate of your child’s mouth, lip, and nostrils will be made. Your child will wear the plate 24 hours a day for approximately six months. The plate is held in the mouth by special tape. 

What are the Benefits of the NAM Technique?
Typically, children with cleft lip and palate require between five and seven surgeries, sometimes extending into the adolescent years. The NAM device reduces the number of surgeries required during a patient’s lifetime, which in turn reduces facial scarring, trauma, inconvenience, and the cost involved in additional surgeries. The NAM device dramatically improves post-surgical aesthetic results for cleft lip and palate patients. In addition, it may also have a dramatic effect on speech and overall health. Because the NAM device covers the roof of your infant’s mouth, the NAM appliance also helps with feeding.

When can the NAM procedure be done for my child?
Your child will have the NAM procedure before he turns 1 year of age. Typically, the NAM technique is started when your child is only 2 weeks old and is worn until his first surgery (typically at 6 months of age). The NAM is only effective in infants because their cartilage is malleable. After 6 months of age, your child’s cartilage is no longer malleable, his teeth begin to come in, and he can take out the NAM appliance.

What is the Role of the Parents?
The NAM appliance does require extra effort and commitment from parents, so parent participation is essential. In addition to weekly visits to The Cleft Lip & Palate Team, parents will be responsible for attaching the tape to their child’s face. This allows the NAM device to stay in place.

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